Thursday, October 20, 2011

Poem: When Lauds Ended

This morning I really enjoyed the blessing of returning to the Apostles' prayer room for Morning Prayer.  The Apostles' prayer room is a lovely sacred space with beautifully handwritten icons of Christ and four apostles. This semester I haven't been able to attend Morning Prayer in the Prayer Room due to our family schedule, but I was refreshed by this prayer service, which takes its form from the "Lauds" service in Liturgy of the Divine Hours.  What happened after Lauds ended was an even greater surprise I was appointed to receive.

When Lauds Ended

The final ‘amen’ spoken at Lauds
I depart this sacred room.  Snuffed
candles lift the fragrant sacrifice of
vows kept and praises offered.  Lights
dim to darkness, save the corridor’s
fluorescent noise just beyond the
threshold.  The sanctum is now

‘My books,’ I remember, ‘are left
in that place.’ Crossing the shadowy
portal I sense this return is
appointed.  I see a reserved seat, a new
vantage from moments ago. This place,
somewhere between Gethsemane and Tabor, shines
a light in the young darkness.  Where is that sun
in this tenebrous place?  A trace
gleam illumines the gold leaf crowns of
S. Peter, Paul, James, and John.  Their glory
refracted from Light Himself, the Son radiates this

This dark alone recedes now with a singular
glimpse of Communion; Images glimmer the
Promise of changed glory and unceasing
intercession for sojourners longing for

When Your Light shone and Your Host
appeared, my claustrophobic soul surrendered
in the glorious crowding of your agapic
embrace. This sanctum became thronged with Presences
believed, yet unseen.  These faint eyes
cannot number the host of attending
Angels.  These ears cannot hear the
Patriarchs’ prayers.  Your Spirit translates
my inaccessible depths with groanings

With Lauds ended, You whisper the reason for this
summons:  “You have prayed to me this day.  Now I AM
                        and My host of heaven will pray for you."

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